Beer Recipe

Social Kitchen and Brewery Brut IPA Recipe

The one that started a trend. The Brut IPA from San Francisco's Social Kitchen and Brewery.

New Realm Belgian Tripel Recipe

Spiced with lemon peel and ginger, this beer is a clean, crisp Belgian-style tripel with complex, fruity, and spicy aromatics and flavor.

Kettlehouse Brewing Co.'s Mac Daddy Almost Wee Heavy Scotch Ale Recipe

A rich and malty, brown elixir that spawned Kettlehouse Brewing's best seller Cold Smoke® Scotch Ale

Make Your Best Session IPA

Session IPA isn't just a question of reducing the gravity (although that's one way to go, and we will be): it's a question of generating a lot of flavor from hops and finding light ways to balance those flavors.

Blackstrap Foreign Extra Stout Recipe

Foreign Extra Stout isn’t a complicated style. However, it is a distinct style, and missing the mark on any one of several flavor characteristics will unavoidably drag it out of its home in category 16D and into one of the other stout styles.

Maplewood Brewery and Distillery Son of Juice IPA Recipe

This New England–style IPA from Maplewood Brewery and Distillery in Chicago, Illinois, is a local favorite.

Fort George Spruce Budd Ale Recipe

Spruce tips add an immediately recognizable aroma and flavor to beer, yet people still have a hard time accurately defining the specifics

'Alaskan Red' Red IPA Beer Recipe

This recipe will serve you well as a faithful Red IPA that avoids the pitfalls of the style while amplifying its virtues.

Make Your Best Pale Mild

Hard to find, historic origins, easy to drink, and straightforward to brew: sounds like a perfect homebrewing style.

Scottish-Style 80- Shilling Ale Recipe

The Scottish 80, also called an “export” by the BJCP guidelines, is a strong ale by Scottish standards. The export name means that this is an ale with a higher alcohol content (3.9 to 4.9 percent) that was intended to survive trans-Atlantic voyages.